Originally Posted by prosequence
Our polls are closed and results are coming in.... FRUSTRATING!!! My local riding has re-elected Andy Scott (Liberal - Indian Affairs). My frustration stems from a lot of conversation I've had with my peers. In general people are afraid of a Conservative government... what they MIGHT do. Why do people ignore what the Liberals HAVE done, does no one mind being stolen from? Seriously? I feel like going out and doing B&E's on those who voted Andy (Martin)... I'll kick done the door "Hey, don't mind me I'm just here to steal a bit more from you, you don't seem to mind!".
Is anyone else frustrated with thier riding?????
I hope this is just extreme hyperbole to express your frustration 'cause you sound psychotic...
In answer to your question, I'm not frustrated with my riding in particular but I am frustrated with democratic politics in general. I don't feel that this parliamentary system is representing my interests yet I can't think of a better alternative.
To address your other question, of course Canadians are upset about the Liberal scandals. The Conservatives did win the election, you know... Just not in your riding, apparently, and for whatever reason. Interestingly enough, the Conservatives won absolutely
no seats in the cities of Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver. Harpers has failed to gain the trust of urban voters...
Furthermore, there is plenty to fear of a Conservative government. If the worst thing your government has done was steal some money, you're doing pretty well! It's easily possible for a new government to do worse and that's a legitimate fear, whether you believe it will happen or not. Your fellow constituents probably think that Stephen Harper would deport them if he could. That's the kind of extreme "national" image he has created for himself. Remember, no seats in Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver. What does this tell you?