This will be the last On DVD This Week thread for a while because there's just not enough good movies released this time of year warrant it.
Oliver Twist
The Aristocrats
My Big Fat Independent Movie
The Fog
I'm gonna keep it short this week..
Flight plan was ok, imo. I thought Redeye was much better.
The Fog wasn't great, it had some decent looking ghosts but overall the film was just... forgettable..
My big fat independent movie has been getting some pretty bad reviews but from everyone I know that's watched it they say it's funny.. I usually wouldn't put a lesser known movie on the list but who doesn't wanna see Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Amelie and other indie films spoofed?
Aristocrats.. a documentery about the dirtiest joke in the world... I know everyone that posted in the TFP thread about the movie is waiting for the dvd so they can see the extra 90 minutes of footage, a highlight reel, and the comedians telling some of their other favorite jokes. Maybe I'll count in dvd bonus features if I ever decide to do this thread again..
No poll this time...