Originally Posted by Toaster126
Guess we disagree. I would never knowingly go out with a former drug addict.
Well, I would never call myself a "former drug addict." To me, the term "addict" implies that you cannot stop when you decide that the drug is detrimental to your well-being. I'd say I experimented with cocaine and then quit. But perhaps your definition of drug addict is different. Or maybe you just wouldn't want to date a woman who had any history of drug use. Certainly your prerogative...but what if you liked a woman first and then later found out that she had indulged in some illegal substance during her youth?
(Sorry, i'm totally threadjacking. You can ignore...or respond in PM if you prefer.)
The hot part is the woman wanting to dance for your enjoyment, not the fact that she has done it for money before, at least in my opinion.
I guess I was just wondering if it would be hotter for guys psychologically to be lapped by a reserved woman who would never be a stripper in real life, or if, by contrast, some guys found the idea of a "professional" giving it to them for free to be a greater turn-on/ego-boost.