Originally Posted by roachboy
...or you **might** wonder if privatization of infrastructure functions (water supply) is a good thing or not: this is hardly the first example of a private concern screwing up water--think chile for example (if this is too obscure, i'll find and post a link when i've a bit more time)...think british rail: fact is that the arguments for privatizing infrastructure was floated by the right in the name of efficiency, but that has not panned out at all--so the motive appears to have been different from the outset--minimizing political risk for the state in a contet of heightened uncertainty. in a strange way, ustwo is almost right for once: prvate companies are not accountable for their fuck ups....there is no way to bring pressure to bear on them, not really--so in thsi case, there is little to be done. why is that a good thing?
Private companies control electricity. The system works pretty well (At least where I live and have lived).
Screw-ups happen in the private sector but they also occur in the public sector. There will always be some level of corruption when any system is run by people. I don't think we can fairly use a small number of "screw- ups" to say that the private sector is not accountable. I have read about a few corrupt CEO and other business leaders who went to prison for their crimes and fraud. Others have gotten fired. Some companies have gone out of business, some have been fined.
Bussiness leaders who think long-term want to do good work for their customers.