Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
In the dorms, his checkout inspector is most likely a fellow student (probably his resident assistant). Personally, when I was an RA, thumbtack holes were the least of our worries, and I usually let them slide, because filing a repair report for something like that just isn't worth the time and effort.
Yeah, except here's the problem--I'm in Germany on a study abroad program. My equivalent of an RA is a full grown man who makes a job of this. And it's in the Germans' nature to be anal retentive about everything--everything must be "in order." And given that the RA, or
Hausmeister, is the one in charge of fixing such things, and given the current state of the German economy with its 10%+ unemployment and that he gets paid to fix things and that fixing those things keeps him a job, I don't think for a minute that he won't charge me if he can.
Gotta love Germany...