First off, Dead Lifts are a bitch, and the chance of injury from improper form is alway in the front of my mind.
Yes, I have had that happen to me, and I can trace it back to a couple of things; I was not breathing properly during the power stroke, and my muscles were paying me back; secondly, the pressure that the dead lift puts on your diaphram is significant.
Did you really hit the stack hard? Were you doing your max that day? What did your spotter say? Did they notice a difference in your set? What about diet and proper rest? Were you in the right frame of mind?
The tingling arms? (arnold accent) That is just your huge muscles pressing against your tiny little nerves, squashing them like weak little noodles.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.