I personally have had experiences that convince me that there is indeed more than what we see in the physical world, and further that there is an intelligence out there that takes an interest in us personally and individually. In fact, this individual aspect is why I do not spend the time recounting the specific instances that have convinced me. They were quite sufficient to convince me once I was willing to consider them with an open mind. However, they were clearly personal, and not beyond being discounted if I chose to do so. They would be even easier for a third party to discount.
I note that if God does exist it would be easily possible for Him to prove this to the entire population at once in such a way as to leave no room for doubt. That He does not regularly do so demonstrates either (a) He does not exist; (b) does not care whether we believe or not; (c) chooses to interact on an individual basis, and in such a way that only those who are seeking / willing to accept will do so.
Only if you accept that perhaps God exists and is personally interested in you can you can ask what He wants of you, and decide whether or not you are interested in the deal.
I personally have decided that Christ told the truth, but one has to bear some things in mind: (a) Follow Christ, not Christians. (b) Consider what scholars of the subject have to say, but read for yourself. (c) I am not good enough to actually do this perfectly (follow Christ), and neither is anyone else; what is demanded of me is that I try.
If I am right I will be better off for having done this. If it’s all over when we die, then I will still have been better for having done this. In either case, I think it is the “right” thing to do, both in the moral and in the “optimum path” sense.