Hey FOX NEWS, It's PRIME MINISTER, you collective bunch of ignorant hacks!
My bolding, sizing, colouring, and italization....
Canadian Voters End 13-Year Liberal Presidency
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Canadians Head to the Polls
OTTAWA — Conservative Stephen Harper pledged to quickly carry out his campaign promises to cut taxes, get tough on crime and repair strained ties with Washington after his party won national elections and ended more than 12 years of Liberal Party rule in Canada.
Fuck me...
That is like us stepping on the ol' Stars and Stripes. What would the average yank do?
I think someone should get fired over this. Is this what has become of news, and the people employed in the business?
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.