wow he still owes 4000$ on a 95? holy moly? whats is he paying like 10$ a month?
anyways, i am pretty sure that the dealership is going to at LEAST want their $ for the repair as well as the bank is going to probablu want at least40 - 65% of what is owed on it if not the whole amount, if it is that much, i'd forget about it.
you can find those things a dime a dozen on the autotrader.
you just have to MAKE SURE theirs no leins on that car when you fork over the money, because when you go to switch it over (if the dealership doesnt do it for u) your screwed. and if the dealership DOES do it for you, you have to ESPECIALLY make sure theres no liens on it.
everytime i turn around it is an illusion.