Spider-Man & the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge- I bought this one before renting it, on character appeal. It was so not what I was hoping for.
Shaq-Fu - Roger that. The special moves usually didn't work, and the characters were tiny. Plus, I think there were only seven to choose from, and you could only be Shaq in one player mode.
Superman 64- Roger that again. When I first played this, I'd already heard all the bad reviews. Still, I went into it with an open mind, and when I switched it on, I said, "These graphics are fairly good- everyone must be overreacting." And I pressed forward on the stick to make him fly, and instead he leaned over and looked at the ground, and I said, "Ohhhh. That's why." It only went downhill from there.
And TMNT games rule! 'Cept maybe the first one on NES...
Killing that robot makes me want to go home.