Not only that, Alito is one who I am almost certain believes in the "Constitution in Jeopardy," the theory that everything passed since the New Deal is unconstitutional.
Samuel Alito scares me very much. Unfortunately all anyone cares about is abortion. If the democrats were smarter, they would be able to point to the obvious flaws in Alito's nomination. Instead, they are the party that cried wolf -- every time anything happens they fillibuster. They should just have let Roberts go -- he wasn't a big deal, and I think he's the best the left could have expected Bush to nominate. Now all the Republicans can just point out how the left fillibusters every time.
It's a trick the Democrat party has fallen for many times since Bush was president, and I am amazed that they can't wise up! Bush has the bill for the Department of Homeland Security to ban a union; Dems vote nay; Bush touts how Democrats don't want to protect Americans. They are SOOO gullible to these stupid partisan tricks! It makes me mad!