What surprises me the very most, is despite the mountains of bad PR Haliburton has gotten, the investors are still not afraid. This sets a very dangerous prescedent, spanning the entire spectrum of corporations. Even if you get caught, you're probably going to get away with it. Even after Enron, this is allowed to continue.
Our government is of the people, by the people and for the people. At the end of the day, we are responsible for watching our government and speaking up and taking action when it does something we disagree with. It is our RIGHT. With global corporations, there are no such checks and balances. This is when the Libertarian in me sits in the back and sucks his thumb. A free market econemy is like a get out of jail free card for those corportations, such as Haliburton, who see fit to do as they please, public good be damned. The problem is that the producer controls the consumer in this disfunctional market relationship. Bush and Cheny, obviously biased, have masive influence over military spending. They also benifit from that spending. Isn't this the kind of conflict of interest that we have laws for? Aren't there laws that prevent this type of arrangement? If not, then we should start a movement in order to kep our econemy free from both tyranical governemnt, AND tyranical corporations. Neither of those entities should go unckecked.