Originally Posted by highthief
The Raps had a horrible start to the season but are 500 or better since then. They aren't such a bad squad.
You think Chamberlain gave up the ball a lot when he scored a hun?
Kobe's has only had two seasons of more than 400 assists, his career high being 481.
Chamberlain led the league in assists one year, and had twice as many seasone of over 400 assists as Kobe has,
from the center position. His career high in assists was
If you take each of their best three years of assists, Wilt leads 1744 to 1317, and Kobe plays guard.
Kobe's scoring 81 is truly an amazing feat. He is a phenomenal talent. But he doesn't make those around him better. His teammates have already made comments in the press about being there to "watch Kobe play".