Alan, i don't think that you're the only person here qualified to speak accurately about black and white culture in america. No one has the authority to speak on behalf of millions of people, regardless of shared characteristics. In fact, i would wager that everyone who has grown up in america has a valid perspective on any number of different american subcultures. It doesn't make sense for you to call people ignorant when you have no solid basis on which to consider yourself the absolute authority on race relations in this thread, which it seems as though you do.
In fact, it doesn't make sense for anyone to be throwing around the word ignorant, because you're all fucking ignorant. I am too. It's part of being human.
Race relations in america is an exceedingly complex issue made moreso by the fact that it is often impossible for any kind of respectful disagreement to occur between people with different perspectives. This thread is no exception.
I don't think that there will ever be an end to racism any time soon. I don't think that there will be an end to justifications for racism on behalf of all races any time soon.
I think that what nagin said was racist. It's obviously racist, by any objective measure of the word, but that's just me.