Originally Posted by sprocket
Just curious but have you or your wife ever been in a real live actual fight, with someone who was actually trying to hurt you? If not, then your sum total experience in those types of situtations is 0. The criminal is likely to have the upper hand.
I have been in 22 seperate street fights in my life (not counting fights in grade school or HS). All have been defensive, all I have won without difficulty. Your assumption that because I am a martial artist that I have no real life experience is telling of your experience with martial artists.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
i've shown more than was necessary to prove to any reasonable minded individual that a gun can be necessary for defense. I can't help it if you refuse to acknowledge reality because of your judgemental perceptions. good luck with that ban in san fran. when it doesn't work, can i tell you i told you so? also, with this ban, will san fran become liable for their citizens safety?
This thread is about the right to conceal a gun in Wisconsin.