I used to only play on PvP servers but when I came back about a week ago I decided to try a RP (non pvp server, shadow council to be specific) and man is it great. No more random ganking and I get to fight when I want. With BGs there is very little difference now with these servers and half the time if you go to the classic world pvp hangouts there are plenty of people flagged already so you can still have that experience.
And I'm not some PvP newb who only got to 30 on a PvP server before quiting, I've had toons on PvP servers for about a year and have a lvl 60 on BH who I've done a lot of PvP with. Leveled him to 60 just by the time the BGs came around so when leveling up I went through *a lot* of world PvP, and I'm converted.
So if youre thinking of making a new character come to Shadow Council, I play horde side, Name: Daghda. If you want alliance though I would recommend Halx's server, silvermoon or some such. It's a PvE server.