Ispent a bunchof weeks in the UK - and got sickof London after about 3 weeks so every weekend I'd head somewhere else... Hopped on atrain and just went...
Canterbury was lovely for a weekend -- canterbury cathedral is beautiful and a nice day to spend exploring - the town of canterbury also had a cool -- very touristy but fun attraction for the canterbury tales... there were a few inns (when making reservatins - en suite is the way to go) and nice restaurants.
THe Lakes Region is also beautiful... not much to do except for total relaxation..
Brussels is also beautiful - and is a quick train ride from London... very old world -- and home of the smurfs (the cartoon museum was neat) and the statue o the little boy peeing is ariot.. the architecture is amazing... and again lots of quaint little inns (be warned-- if you are put ont he 6th floor on an inn - don't assume it's got an elevator or a bathrroom on the floor you are on...

Scotland is also beautiful country -- if you are a scotch drinker- you can hit all the sctoch producing regions..