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Old 01-21-2006, 06:28 PM   #69 (permalink)
Originally Posted by xepherys
1. NAACP Education Scholarship Home the NAACP also gives scholarships. I wasn't aware it was a quiz where I had to name ALL of the organizations that give black people scholarships. But "why let facts get in the way of a little reverse racism".

2. Ahead of what? I agree that slavery is, obviously, a bad thing, regardless oif the color of skin. White people have enslaved white people throughout history, too. Asians have owned asian slaves. Slavery is a long part of history, and is often times not racially motivated. Black Americans are free to go to Africa and live tribal lives just like white Americans are free to go back to England or Ireland or Germany or wherever they came from. If it's so damned tough to make it in our democratic, capitalist society. People come to the US from all over the world and do just fine. They escape poverty and ignorance, come to America and start businesses and go to school. But somehoe the black people who have lived here the whole time can't? I didn't realize there wasn't racism against Mexicans, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese. Do you remember ethnic distaste for the Irish back in the day? They still made it. There are plenty of people who hate all kinds of people for a lot of different reasons, and Americans of African decent are no better or worse off. They play the slave card and race card and get things for free, and that doesn't harbor a sense of equality with other people.
The slavery practiced in America was unique from the previous efforts. You know nothing of the issue. Part of the problem is that for Blacks to go back to Africa and live "tribal lives", they would have to have some connection to Africa (ignoring the fact that Europe raped Africa). Slave traders made sure that black americans would have no link to Africa. Your own sentence proves this-because you are black, you can just go back to Africa, as if Africa was one unified continent as opposed to very diverse and different countries. But you aren't saying whites should just go back to Europe, they get to know the history that their ancestors came from. And where did I say there wasn't racism against other minorities? The difference is that the other minorities have some other culture to call their own, which was the most damaging thing about American racism. Slave traders and owners took whatever culture Africans had, and insted replaced it with a culture of ignorance, superstition, and poverty. They don't play the lave or race cards to get things for free, they just want acknowledgement of the wrongs that were done to them and continue to be done.

3. Bullshit! What cultural roots do most 7th or 8th generation Americans have? AMERICAN culture... that's what. And that's what black Americans have as well. It is really no different. I have Irish blood running through my veins. When my family came here from Ireland they were put into shitty jobs, treated like dirt and made to feel they were worthless humans with no value to society. Should I be angry about that? NO! My family worked hard, got through it and now things are easier. As for it being twice as difficult for blacks to become successful I have two thoughts. a) Many people feel it's the same for women... and sexism is just as bad. However, "nazi feminists" don't move their cause forward with the general populace either, and b) So they work twice as hard then, and THEN they can feel like they've made a difference. What does it really give a black man or woman in a matter of sense of completion to just be handed shit and told them it's because we treated them badly in the past. Wow, what a great win for equality. *boggle*
It's totally different. You are a fool if you think otherwise. Someone who is 8th or 9th gen can still look back at the French, English, or wherever for a cultural past (as you yourself pointed out above). And for you to even equate what the Irish went through is ridiculous. It's not anywhere in the same league. And the culture given black americans is totally different from what white americans have.

And how someone who is so worried about "equality" can think it's fine for anyone to have to work twice as hard for anything just shows how internally inconsistant your views are. The reason things must be "given" is that so in later generations, blacks can give their children the same opportunities that whites are able to give theirs. Because now, no matter what benefits I give my child, it won't be able to conpensate for the major negative they get from me-dark skin.

4. I've never owned a slave. I've never disliked or looked down on someone SIMPLY because of the color of their skin. I've never made racist or hateful remarks towards someone because of their race. Therefore, my tax dollars should not go to legislation that protects and helps black people above and beyond white people. I also have native american ancestry and I think it's bullshit that they get special treatment. It was HUNDREDS of years ago. That's even more ridiculous. I've never applied for anything as a native american, never tried to get special hunting/fishing permits because it goes against the grain of equality. People just need to get the fuck over the past and try to make a better future. It's one thing to learn a lesson, it's another to dwell on the negative.]
You were making racist and hateful remarks based on race earlier, for one. But the reason yoru tax dollars should go to help and protect blacks over whites is because your white skin gets you benefits that you didn't earn every day. It's easy to get over the past when it was your people doing all the wrongs, and you who now reaps the benefits. When it was you being shit on, and who are now stuck in shit, it might not seem so easy to just move on.

At any rate, your particular flavor of leftist beliefs are exactly why black people aren't equal still, you feed into that bullshit "non-culture" and probably vote to give them more and more welfare and free help. That's great! I wish you could vote to only use your income tax for such purposes. Helping people get on their feet is great... handing them shit doens't help "establish" them in any reasonable way.
As an aside, I find it extremely amusing that you would label me leftist.

And you obviously know nothing about me or what I stand for. I do believe that whites owe blacks a debt that they to this day fail to acknowledge. But I'm 100% against welfare and "free help". What I am in favor for is making sure that blacks gain the same benefits due to their skin color that whites do.

Again, you seem to see everything as a handout. That's not what it's about. What it is about is making sure that blacks today have the same chance to succeed as whites. And currently, without certain programs that is not possible. You can go on believing this crap about "reverse racism" and handouts all you want, but it doesn't make it any more true (outside of the clan rallys at least).


Oh, by the way, while I'm happy to take arguments and comments against my political and social views, I think it's quite immature of you to imply that I am a member of a hateful organization. Let's try a different approach. A mexican legally moves to the states, gets a SSN and a legit job. Now HE has to help fund black ignorance and laziness, even though his ancestors never kept black slaves (well, not likely at least). It's not black people I don't like... it's specifically lazy, ignorant American black people. I don't care for lazy, ignorant American WHITE people either, and I think they are also given WAY to much in the form of welfare and free aid. The former group just has a bit of a heads up on them in the free stuff department. Oh wait, some demographics of American blacks have better options than some demographics of American whites? Wow, who'd have thought? At any rate, I lived outside of Detroit for 28 years, you don't think I knew black people and had black friends. Most of them went to college, most of them had professional parents. A few had blue collar parents that probably worked right alongside my own blue collar parents. It's ass-busting work that involves sweat and tears, long hours and shitty pay. But they did it, and their families are better for it. I think those people (white or black or hispanic or asian) that put in a hard days work to make their lives and the lives of their families better are fucking AWESOME. That's what America is all about. Why is it so hard for the left to see this?
Again, it amuses me to no end to see me called a leftist.

As to your comments, the way I see it, if the robe fits wear it. And I'm sure you're a member of probably the most hateful organization ever-the White Americans.

Nowhere did I say I supported welfare. Welfare is a crutch that Dems feed blacks to try to keep them in line. But the fact remains that blacks in America are disproportately in a lower socioeconomic status. And something should be done because of this, besides telling black people "sure, we screwed you before, and will continue to screw you, but you should just grin and bear it because it's AMERICA!". Welfare is not the answer, but there are many other ways of if not guaranteeing equality (because let's face it, whites as a whole will never see blacks as equals) at least allowing blacks to sink or swim on their own on a more equalized level. And if you still think America is about hard work, sweat, and tears, you're extremely naive.

Oops, I take it all back, why didn't you tell me you had a black friend? Obviously that qualifies you to discuss fully all matters of race, and makes you immediately an expert. Golly gee Mr. White man suh, us poo' in'nant nigrahs be so lucky to haves sum'un like you speakin' out for'n us. Oh, where woud us'n be without y'all kind whites to be lookin' out for us?[/quote]


alansmithee... if it's so important for us as white folk to give and help the black folk to come to an equal footing, what have you PERSONALLY done? Have you tutored a poor black student? Given to the NAACP or UNCF? Have you supported black politicians? I'm not saying you've done nothing, I honestly don't know. But you seem to think it's very important, so I'm curious what contributions you have made, that were not forced by federal, state or local governments (taxes and affirmative action and such) that help better the standing of the Afircan American people.
Of course I tutored poor black students-only I call them my friends. And I give to UNCF-it's called my bank account. And I support black politicians who deserve my vote, unfortunately in my state usually they have a (D) by their name.

How am I helping better the standing of "African" American people? I have no idea, I don't know anyone from Africa. But as for blacks, I'm doing best for myself. I long ago realized that whites will do their best to make sure that blacks are not going to have an equal shot. Blacks are pretty much doomed in America. Whites have managed to create an ethnic group that has it's roots in poverty and ignorance, and taken steps throughout the years to make sure they stay there. I sometimes would think about what would be necessary to try to bring equality for blacks in America, but short of blinding everyone at birth and forcing everyone to shave their heads nothing will work. So I help blacks by looking out for myself. So at least there will be one negro that whites won't keep down.

Originally Posted by SirLance
You really need to learn some history, and some law. It took blacks to give black people power. Let's start with Rosa Parks. Add in Martin Luther King, and everyone else associated with the SCLC. Naming white people who work for racial equality does not imply that only white people have the power to grant it. When will they teach you how to think in this college you attend?
History and law? Please. What does a tired old woman and some philandering Unkle Tom have to do with blacks having power in America? MLK made sure that some whites pitied blacks enough to stop the most open forms of racism, that's about it. The best thing he did for black civil rights was get assassinated. If nat'l guard weren't sent in, schools in the south would still be segregated, and that wasn't the doing of a black man (or woman). It seems obvious to me that you don't have any idea what you are talking about. I didn't have to go to college to learn to think, but it might do you some good. Because it's obvious from your statement that thinking isn't something you're very proficient at.
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