To gym or not to gym, that is the eternal question. I think it comes down to personal preference.
Some gyms are "meet" (get the humor?) markets. Some are insanely serious. Others offer a broad range of lifting equipment, cardio machine and classes - sometimes the classes are even free!
I personally like the atmosphere of a nice gym; it motivates me and gives me another place to work out, along with clean showers and steam rooms/sauna, etc. I also have a spin bike at home along with a Nordic Track I've had for 15 years (yes, I still use it, too) and a set of Power Blocks that go up to 90 lbs. each. It's nice to have a choice in working out at home or the gym.
I do believe that the more variety you have, the more interesting working out can be. That makes it fun and keep you at it. And I also believe that you have to do what is right for your own individual tastes!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.