Hello, i've never posted on this site before, but i'll share my opinion anyway. A gym is a good place to start. However, you will probably soon outgrow it. Gyms are also full of people who either have no idea what they are doing, think they know everything about working out, or are just there to find someone to sleep with.
When i started, i just did pushups and sit-ups in my room at night. After a while i started to do weight training (about 2 months). about a month after that i realized that for the most part all of those machines are a waste of time. They only work prime mover muscles. To gain real strength you will need tendon strength, plyometric strength, and static strength (from stabilizer muscles).
I think just buying a set of dumbells would be a cheaper option. Most people today love being on the machines because they are shiny and hightech looking. Machines are ideal for bodybuilders because they use isolation techniques, however, most people are not bodybuilders.
I've started to use oldschool strongman style workouts. If you can, please buy "the underground guide to warrior fitness" and "dinosaur training". Both focus alot on techniques for real strength without any real equipment (besides dumbells).
Sandbag training (50 pounds of sand can be bought at home depot for 3 dollars) is amazing. It works the entire body. You can add more weight to any exercise with a sandbag. its like dragging a dead body. Great exercise.
You may also hear alot about creatine monohydrate and certain protein products in the gym. I don't recomend splurging on these products, creatine can be dangerous and most of those protein shakes are terrible. If you insist on putting on weight then i suggest trying the protein shake named "grow". it is the best one i've tried.
If you are looking for overall fitness don't forget cardio and don't forget the number one mistake people make, DON'T FORGET TO TRAIN THOSE STABILIZER MUSCLES.
Thats all i can think of at the moment.