Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Close. You are making the same assumption that alot of people who are against guns make. You are assuming that anyone who has a gun that is illegal is irresponsible. The truth is that there are millions around the country who own guns, illegal or not, that ARE responsible. You would never know that they had a gun, but that gun is still there for there protection.
If you own a gun without a permit, you are breaking the law. Breaking the law is iiresponsible. It's no more complicated than that.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I've explained this to you before Will. In some states where open carry is legal (washington state for example) the police will generally harass people who are carrying legallly, because those police think that a licensed person carrying is more dangerous than a criminal concealing. what kind of logic is that? On top of that, because of the continued misrepresentation put out there by the antis, people continually think that ANYONE with a gun is bad.
Then those specific cops are idiots, and people should report them. There are plenty of pro gun police officers.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
This is perplexing to me. People that continually believe that because they know 'self defense' or martial arts think that they don't have to worry about breakins or assaults are just asking for that eye opening, world shattering, life threatening experience. I'm sorry to say it Will, but you don't live in reality. People who carry for their protection ARE taking responsibility for their own safety. Just because its a way you don't approve of is irrelevant. Read the stories I posted in the other thread and tell me that you still believe that every one of them could have defended themselves without a gun.
I don't fear criminals. Most of them are stupid. Most of them are desperate. Most of them have little to no training (in gun fire or fighting). This isn't about your reality, in which the world is out to get you. This is about the reality reflected in EVERY statistic in the country. This is the reality in which the odds of my house being broken into are so small that making an investment like a gun would not only be a waste of money but would bring a very dangerous weapon into a house with a two year old girl in it. That is what I deep a larger danger. I've seen too many stories about kids playing with guns, even when they are locked up, and hurting or killing with those guns accedentally. Even on the microscopic chance that my house is broken into, the odds are that the person is just down and out and looking for some stuff to hawk. I'm not saying this person isn't dangerous, but this person probably isn't a career criminal. Let's say that the odds are really not in my favor and I hit the lottory and a real career criminal does break in. Well, and you can ask Long about this in the other thread, odds are that they will break in when we are not home. Career criminals know that their job is much easier when there is no one home, so they usually strike during the dat when the house is empty, or when the amily is on vacation. Confrontation is not on the top of their list of things to do. I have the financial security where I can afford to lose a TV or DVD player. Now lets say that I really get struck by lightning, and the person who breaks in doesn't want to steal frim us, but breaks in with the pure intention of doing harm. This is the person that matters. This is the person where we would have to fight back. Do you know what the odds are that a person like this will break in to my house? I challenge you to find the statistics, and then convince me that I am in any kind of danger.