A walk home
The sky was dark like a shadow
A late afternoon, the streets dusty and wet
And at the same time, so many people
Go through life telling themselves
The future is like a blank piece of paper
Waiting for someone else to scribble over
Equations, quotations, they can't figure or place
I held your hand, slighter smaller than mine
Ackwardly aginst my hip
I broke the other one, oh this is fine
Because I broke the other one
So many lines, lead us to the same places
This corner, the phone box and the adverts
For discontinued shows
The tall tree's, the wind worries them
They shake their shoulders, some kind
Of timeless threat, something about
Death, and weight, And hundred years ago
A hundred years from now.
A little further, to the pub on the corner
Cars, shuffle unhappily a place at a time
And its here that I stop
And you go one
There must be a billion billion lines
In anyone place
Only two of them matter
Shaped something like one half of a cross
This is where I stop
And this is where you go another way,
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas