Originally Posted by willravel
Spin? 'Irresponsible gun owner without a permit', or rather one who obtained a firearm illegally, and has mal intent. Better?
Close. You are making the same assumption that alot of people who are against guns make. You are assuming that anyone who has a gun that is illegal is irresponsible. The truth is that there are millions around the country who own guns, illegal or not, that ARE responsible. You would never know that they had a gun, but that gun is still there for there protection.
Originally Posted by willravel
Not false. If it is illegal to have a concealed weapon, and someone is caught with a concealed weapon, that's it. The gun is gone, and they are in trouble. This applies to both the legal gun owners who will be slapped with a fine, and the illegal gun owners who will be tried and convicted. I realize that this law clearly won't ensure that everyone will get caught, far from it in fact, but as we've already argued: why would a legal gun owner need to conceal a weapon?
I've explained this to you before Will. In some states where open carry is legal (washington state for example) the police will generally harass people who are carrying legallly, because those police think that a licensed person carrying is more dangerous than a criminal concealing. what kind of logic is that? On top of that, because of the continued misrepresentation put out there by the antis, people continually think that ANYONE with a gun is bad.
Originally Posted by willravel
Well, in my case, it would be easier to rape me than my wife...gun or not. My wife is better at martial arts (which included disarmament of people using a gun) than I am. I live in reality where there is a difference between taking responsibility for your own safety, without needing to shoot and kill anyone and everyone who could pose a threat, and your world where everyone lives in the matrix, and you can shoot and kill everyone and be all important because of it. Take the blue pill, you're not the one.
This is perplexing to me. People that continually believe that because they know 'self defense' or martial arts think that they don't have to worry about breakins or assaults are just asking for that eye opening, world shattering, life threatening experience. I'm sorry to say it Will, but you don't live in reality. People who carry for their protection ARE taking responsibility for their own safety. Just because its a way you don't approve of is irrelevant. Read the stories I posted in the other thread and tell me that you still believe that every one of them could have defended themselves without a gun.