Chriswin8....I just want you to understand how amazing you really are. I am newly )6 mo) seperated from my husband of four years and we have two girls, Emma 3 1/2 and Ally 22 I am very familiar with your situation. I was married to a true deadbeat dad. He worked out of town most of the year.. like 8 weeks at work 3-4 days home and back again...and when he was home he considered it to be "his" time to do with it what he pleased. I moved to the other end of the state when we split because my family would be closer and I needed that support'll find it's the MOST important tool you have. He moved down here so that he could be close to the girls..."great" I thought this was an improvement. He spent two weeks with them from 8am-5pm because thier daycare was on vacation, then he took them to his parents house for a week after Christmas so that he could ski and they could see Grandma & Papa. Anyway...this was all looking up until three days after he got back he decided he hadn't had enought "play" time for himself so he drove back to his parents...this is 2500 miles away from Alaska to spend a month. Completely shirking any responsibilities he has as a parent.
So, to me for a man to take PARENTAL reponsibility of two children, close to the ages of my own, who are not his flesh and blood...simply makes me weak in the knees.....You give me hope that there are men out there who truly care and center thier lives around a greater purpose than searching out the best powder!
Thank you are truly an inspiration!
Catch 'em if you can!
Delivery Girl