Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Hence the saying,"Ignorance is Bliss."
I don't think so, its just being able to not be a sour puss
Right now someone just found out their child is dying, right now someone is getting raped, right now someone is thinking of suicide, right now someone is starving, right now someone is thinking they should vote democrat, but the trick in life is not dwelling on others pain to the point that you can't feel pleasure yourself. Feeling bad for other people does nothing for them, and only makes you feel bad.
We are all going to die, perhaps if we were born 300 years later we might have found immortality, but its going to come to late for us, so we might as well enjoy ourselves.
First, do what makes you happy, don't worry about others being happy, then once you are happy you can tackle some of the worlds issues without it making you an emotional wreck.