Originally Posted by maleficent
The tucking in of the undershirt into the underwear is pretty common... It keeps the undershirt from riding up and looking messy when worn under a dress shirt (and dress shirts look much much better when worn with an undershirt)
Bingo. I occasionally wear undershirts under dress shirts, and I always tuck it into my boxers to prevent undershirt ride-up. There's nothing worse than having a lumpy undershirt. It doesn't hang down my leg-holes because I wear undershirts that fit me, and therefore aren't long enough to do that.
Originally Posted by ngdawg
There's a topic for discussion: 'Which way do you tuck your penis in?'
Any man who's had pants altered by an old-fashioned tailor might likely have been asked this question. The way it's usually said is, "Which way do you dress?" By which they mean, do you hang left or right? When pants are tailored the old fashioned way, that's taken into account.
I'm a lefty, by the way. I can't imagine walking around all day pointing up in the air. What, do they tuck it in their waistband or something!? And, who gets that many erections during the day? Are these guys 14 or something!?