Ok, honestly, I had to read the replies to figure out what p+++++ is...
Words are just words, they won't bark or bite
as for the fact that he puts it up... For one, if you have pants on that are rather rigid, then like LPM said, it *hurts* when it does come up. And if you're wearing sweatpants, then you'll pitch a tent that's bound to catch some wind if not every eye in the room.
So yeah, I usually do the same thing.
as for tucking his shirt in with the sides hanging through the legholes... I did the same when I was little, grew out of it.... What's the big deal ? Maybe a little geeky at his age, but it's an innocent habit, I'd say let him enjoy it?
One thing that I still don't get though... his penis is always up when erect...
isn't that the point?