Originally Posted by MojoRisin
How are you making this drawing? What program etc...
Using Illustrator CS, it's kind of like tracing. Using the picture Flyman sent, I enlarge it on the screen anywhere from 600-3600%. I use the color selection tool and the pencil tool and go over one section at a time. Oh, the background is yellow, placed behind the picture and is good for showing up errors and misses(filling in certain colors, it was hard to see where i was leaving off). After doing a small section, I remove the picture, fix my mistakes, and go on. Once the bike is finished being drawn, I will again use the picture to make a template of colors so that any microscopic errors would be filled in.
I haven't decided on a final background yet, but have a few ideas in mind. The bike, when finished, will not be posted here until after Fly has it.