Originally Posted by raeanna74
So the question - Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?? Why?? and if you are an optimist, what keeps you looking up? or at least how do you get yourself to look up again when bad things happen??
Some of each, generally I’m extremely Optimistic. Mainly due to my undying faith in the lord gets me through; I’m truly blessed to have it born into me, hardly ever wavering even at the absolutely worst times. Having been on deaths door three or four times in my life… Strange not ever going to Church after about ages 4 or 5, I did eventually start going after my daughter was born 16 years ago. I do enjoy going when I do.
There are those moments or short periods of time I fall into deep holes, I mean Deeeep holes, where I feel like everyone would be better off with out me and there is when the old “Hell for Eternity” thing kicks in. I say a prayer and tell myself to stop feeling sorry for myself and try to think of someone homeless or loveless, usually that’s all it takes.
Some day I will start a journal, it would be good let my feelings be told. Just recently I’ve been able to let some things out because of threads like these. Thanks all!