I'm a pessimist when it comes to myself - and that comes from living with myself for 41 years... When other people are concerned - I'm an obnoxious optimist and cheerleader - I beleive that good things will happen to people who deserve them... (just not me - because perhaps I've got too much bad karma and too much crap I've done in the past to ever deserve anythign good)
As much of a curmudgeon as i am - I do mostly believe in the good in people, and can find the good in most situations... At work right now, we're going thru some major turmoil, and honestly, it's getting frustrating being around all the doom and gloomers, i just want to scream SHUT UP - JUST SHUP Up with the negativity...
When something bad happens, customers, aquaintances, and such have always told me that they like having me around because I can always keep a clear head - and just work towards solving the problem - I might have some angst after the fact when no one is looking, but otherwise - -it's full steam ahead and just get it done.. (with my own issues, I'm more of a bury my head in the sand and deal with it when i have to...)
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.