Originally Posted by xepherys
martinguerre and carn-
The truth of the matter is that the military is comprised of hundreds of thousands of completely different individuals. Things get stolen on military bases all the time. People get raped or murdered on military installations and in combat zones too. If soldiers were 100% moral and perfect, we wouldn't need MPs outside of a combat zone. SpecOps falls out side of regular SOP. SpecOps has their OWN SOP and their own way of doing things. The reason, generally, that such decisions are made are for comformity and consistancy. Someone made a comparison to weapons which is moot anyway. If you bring your own rifle, unless it is .223, you will not have rounds. If it breaks, the armorer will not (or maybe cannot) fix it. While this is not the same for armor, say something happens. Say you get shot and though you live, the armor is damaged. You cannot use that armor and the army issues you new armor. Now they have taken away something that you own, that was personally yours. Since they allowed it in the first place, they are now responsible for that item... at least once they take it away from you.
Yes, I know all of that. To be honest, I posted such a small comment earlier because I was too lazy to explain everything, as you did.
As far as thievery goes; it's like I heard in boot camp, "Gear adrift must be a gift."
At any rate, if you've not been in the military, it's moot why you think things should be how they are. They are how they are. And yes, the citizens pay taxes, so they can speak to how they believe the military SHOULD be... that doens't mean they know anything about how it actually is. I pay taxes that go towards paying government employees. While I think we could do with less of them, I am not experienced in HR, and have no real idea of what it takes to run a company or a country.
Yes, US citizens are entitled to give their opinion about the military since they pay taxes, but does that mean they are qualified to speak about what goes on in the military? Not in my opinion. Unless you've been in the military, you don't know anything about how it works. I've only been in for a year and I still don't know jackshit. But at least I know that I don't know shit.