Originally Posted by noahfor
To gain muscle you must take in a surplus of calories, but to lose fat you must have a caloric deficit, so you can see how they are at odds. Plus, low fat is no good. Fats are used to produce hormones which help in building muscle.
Sorry, not exactly. To gain muscle you must work the muscles (with lifting and the like). One does not need to intake more calories to build muscle. To lose fat, you must *incur* a deficit of calories, and eating less fat helps, but one also needs to use up the energy stored as fat one already has. Muscle at rest burns more calories than non-muscle at rest. Protein helps to rebuild the muscles after the lifting. It can also improve the metabolism speed, although each person is different. I do best on a high lean-protein and low carb diet, myself.
It's important to monitor the fat intake *carefully*, and it's vital that fats are not cut out completely!