Originally Posted by willravel
Don't strawman. I specifically said "it's legal to carry an exposed weapon", in other words, where it is lgal to carry a weapon.
It's no strawman. IT actually happens. In Glenview IL, a homeowner is facing a gun possession charge. The city has made ALL firearm possession ILLEGAL, yet when the homeowner shot at an individual who had broken in to his home, the homeowner was charged. THAT is insane. In certain locales in wisconsin open carry has been made illegal because people who are unaware of the legality of open carry call the police. That legally carrying individual COULD be arrested for causing a public disturbance at the minimum.
Originally Posted by willravel
How many justifiable homicides were there in the US last year? How many people have guns in their homes? The answers might surprise you.
there is a real serious flaw with that argument. You're basically telling the entire country that because you're odds of being killed are so low, you don't deserve to protect yourself.