It's a long stretch from a sentence written 200 years ago:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
to right to carry a conceal weapons.
If the majority of people in Wisconsin, Illinois, and California (or their legally elected representatives) decide that concealed carry is a bad idea, why is it any of your business as a Texan?
I'm indifferent as hell to gun ownership. I won't own one and couldn't care less if you do. I live in Colorado where concealed carry is fairly common and previously lived for 40+ years in Illinois where it is difficult. I have never lived anywhere where I felt a need to carry a gun (I'd move if I did). I have never felt that owning a gun would make myself or my loved ones safer. I think it is sad that your environment is so much more dangerous than mine.
Does that speak more to my naiveté or your paranoia?