Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
I don't have a solid opinion re: concealed carry (while I do have a solid opinion that one should be ABLE to carry, with proper licensing, training, etc), but I will say that open carry means a potential criminal KNOWS you do or do not have a gun, concealed carry means a potential criminal must wonder with every potential victim if that person has a gun or not.
That said, I'd also like to point out that I've lived in Chicago for about 5 years now and have not only not been involved in any crime, I have also not witnessed any crime nor do I know any person who has been involved in any crime. No, the statistics don't lie, but by applying a little common sense to where I'm going alone and/or at night, I have managed to stay quite safe in the fifth murderous city in the US
Also, the TARDIS is bullitproof. That helps.
I have considered the idea that because a criminal doesn't know if one is or isn't carrying a weapon, he or she might avoid robbery alltogether, but crime rates do not support this. There is still plenty of crime in places where you can conceal guns. Why? Because a criminal with proper and legaql owndership of a weapon can also legally conceal a gun. That's just not safe.