Eh, I'm sounding kinda Marxist even to myself. And people should have their toys. But I continue to hold that the reason rich people -- especially newly-rich people -- spent a lot of money on baubles and mansions is a lack of imagination. That's the only way they know how to enjoy that ungodly pile of cash they've somehow accumulated.
I'll accept that it's a lack of imagination if you can list something more .."imaginative." Money is material. It buys material things, period.
My only contribution to this thread is that you don't get lots of money by giving yours to other people who "need" it. In a perfectly capitalistic society I have no problem gathering and amassing huge fortune. In the real world, however, I'm swayed by empathy and human emotion, so I never 100% of what I should. But telling rich people they should donate to charity becuase thats
your moral compunction is more distasteful than having an airplane, in my book.