i have had a lot of problems lately with my teeth. It started with my wisdom teeth being removed. The surgeon apparently nicked my rear molars and that wasn't caught in the followup or checkup and my two rears cracked, one became infected and was removed, the other is awaiting an option (crown/removal/whatever else). The infected one also meant i had to have a root canal on the one in front, which is awaiting a crown. The lower molars have developed problems as well since the bite isn't quite right...sooo, basically, i'm kinda lost as to what to do with them all. i say awaiting bc my insurance will kick in very soon and there is no immediate danger as far as they can tell, unless something serious were to occur, but anway, it looks like i'm going to either have to have the three remaining rear molars removed, or i'm going to have to have them all capped or implants or something else.
Sorry to make this all confusing, but do you have any suggestions/costs/anythign at all for what i should do?