Bottom line is, in my opinion, there may not be sufficient testing done on the "Dragon Skin" to prove the reliability and other requirements needed are met for such use. The current combat armor HAS been tested in this capacity.
We cannot (and should not) go by the "testing" specs created by the company that makes the product. That's just stupid. If the military issued or allowed soldiers to use body armor other than armor they themselves have tested, and instead took whatever specs the manufacturer gave and just went with that, there would be a shit storm of uproar- and rightly so. Job #1 is bringing everyone home- alive, and in 1 piece if possible- so since they're responsible for their lives, they MUST test equipment as important as body armor before allowing its use.
Not everything has to be a conspiracy.
Also, keep in mind it's kinda hard to discuss the particulars of the body armor on the troops, for security reasons. They can't go around saying the armor is flawed... it's bad morale, bad PR, and doesn't solve the problem of the armor being bad. So if they're testing this "Dragon Skin", they could be testing now, they could have a plan to test it, or they could have already tested it and be in the process of ordering some, we have no idea.
Last edited by analog; 01-18-2006 at 03:18 AM..