I imagine that if this is as true as they're claiming it is, then Charlatan probably hit it on the head by attributing this to insurance issues.
Originally Posted by Xephyrs
I think the "angle" of the Army is that if not everyone has the same thing, there could be dissension and problem among the soldiers. A poor soldier who cannot buy better armor may feel the need to protect himself by "acquiring" better armor from another soldier. I'm not saying it's right, but I do understand the military point of view on issues like this.
I couldn't post without commenting on how silly this is. I know a bunch of military folks (Navy/National Gaurd/Coast Gaurd/Marines) and near all of em' would have a knee jerk reaction of, "Fuck you too!" The only problem you'd run up against for using non-standard, personally procured body armor would be that if you develop a problem you won't be near guys who could give spot advice/perform field repairs.