Bad Teacher
My daughter is in eighth grade honors algebra. She has always had to work hard on math, but always pulls up A's or at the worst, B+.
This year she was placed in this high end class and it is with a teacher who simply doesn't know how to teach. This is not just from a frustrated 13 year old. As a teacher's aide I was placed in one of her classes three years ago and after less than three weeks, asked to be taken out. I'm an adult and couldn't follow this woman's instruction.
Her MO is to quickly cover the day's lesson, ask nonchalantly, 'Everyone got it? Good.' Then proceeds to give the problems/ equations, etc. She doesn't explain much at all nor does she give the kids a chance to ask questions. The brightest of kids are failing her tests.
I have told my daughter that the second she says her little "Got it? Good", her hand should shoot up and she has to say she doesn't get it. Silence is not going to help. Apparently, she doesn't even get the chance to raise her hand. In four weeks reports come due and she will pull a C in most likelihood-her first C ever, keeping her out of Honor Roll. This is an important year as they start High School next year. question. I would like to nip this in the bud. I thought of sending a note to this teacher explaining the problem, but of course, I can't be accusatory. The principal, from what I've been told, is a tyrant of sorts-I have never dealt with him and I don't know if this is even something that should go to him. I don't know the other parents, but I suppose if my daughter tells her friends in the class that I am writing or contacting, they may as well. I do know one student is getting tutoring and still is failing and she too is an Honor Roll student otherwise.
Teachers, input please! And any parents or students that had to deal with this kind of situation-how did you? Did it work? Would I be seen as an advocate or a meddling mother?
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.