Originally Posted by Charlatan
No Harper isn't the devil incarnate, but I don't think you are right when you say the Conservative Party of Canada is far from the Cons in the US. While the party was tempered by the absorbtion of the old Progressive Conservative, the fact is that it is the Reform element within this new party is firmly in control.
Their fiscal policy is quite American in its, "give the money to the people and let them fend for themselves" approach. But what are they really offering?
Fiscally, yes, they're closer to the american right, less government involvment. I see that as a good thing, a lot do not. Socially is where the Cons of the North vary a lot from thier conterparts in the US.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
A cut in the GST? They will raise the basic tax rate to pay for it. You would have to spend something like $800 a week in goods and services to get back the tax they are going to raise.
I'll agree with you there, the GST tax break is not as atractive as an income tax break.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
$1200 to family with kids? Doesn't even sratch the surface on childcare costs.
Since when is it the publics job to offset the entire cost of raising kids?
Originally Posted by Charlatan
One cannot argue against the fact that the Liberals have brought prosperity and fiscal responsibility to Canada. Their scandals aside, the nation is in a much better place than what Mulroney and his people left us with in the beginning of the 90s. Much better.
I'm completly baffled with how many people in this country are willing to look the other way on these issues. Nevermind the scandals for a minute, how about the collasal waste that is the gun registry? This is our money they're pissing away. The attitude, "scandals aside, they've done a good job" doesn't hold water with me. It's like putting up with a chef that steals from the till because he makes a mean curry.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I do understand the desire to wipe of the Liberals that many feel... if anyone is to blame for this state of affairs it is Chretien and his cronies. I truly feel bad for Martin. He has done everything in his power to clean up the Liberal party. He has instituted the strictest financial auditing system of *any* nation in the world. He just couldn't rule effectively with Chretien's knives so deeply placed in his back.
I can't agree with your conclusion that Martin's done everything in his power to clean up the party. If that were the case, Goodale would be gone.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
For those who like a centrist position but just can stomach casting a vote for the Liberals, I suggest you seriously consider voting NDP. It looks like the Conservatives are going to win the election. OK. But why put all our eggs in one basket? If we give them a majority, they will have free reign to do what they want. There will be no checks or balances on their actions until the next election. Give them a minority with the balance of power held by the NDP and the tendency will be to pull them closer to the centre.
Give the Conservatives a chance to see what they can do in power but keep that power in check.
The conservatives cannot really have a true majority anytime soon even if they're vote into the majority this time around. The liberals still have a hold in the senate and the civil service that would prevent a true majority for quite some time.
I for one will not be voting for the Conservatives just because I'd like a change, though I feel that it's a good enough reason all on its own. I tend to be a little bit off to the right fiscally while being pretty centrist on social issues and to me the conservatives are what most closely matches that. I don't agree with everything on their platform but I disagree with less of it than any if the other options so....