Originally Posted by Tachion
I saw the 'venting' thread and realised there should be a place where those of us fortunate to have special people in our lives can say what we feel about them.
I love my wife, my partner and my soul mate. She has brought the greateast joy I have known into my life. She is a great kind soul on this planet and I feel so absolutely blessed to have found her and to share my days with her.
Making love with her is an experience that goes beyond sensations. Her body is the most beautiful thing I have seen and her love is the purest energy I have ever felt.
I deeply respect the person she is, and the help she has given to make me a better person. Her mind is sharp and her values and actions are so commited to helping others. It like a great light entering the room when she walks in.
If I where to die today I would die a happy man, as I feel I had been fortunate enough to experience the greatest gift life has to offer.
I love you.
this is very nice, but I'm perplexed... how can we both be married to the same woman????????