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Old 01-17-2006, 11:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
abstract "Now" is faster than light

Hi, I'm New.
This is one thing on my mind-
can anyone add to it?

We are all witnesses to some sort of phenomina I'm calling "absolute now"

Imagine the effects of a bullet shooting through the air- How the air moves -How air behind the bullet gets sucked into it's draft, and How the air spins in "backwater" behind the bullet.

In this picture, we are like particles of dust. The bullet could be named several things but is one idea- "Absolute Now" "Life" "Spirit" "The Kingdom of Heaven" or "Jesus" (if you have no faith in the last two,[or any] that's fine, but the point is for me to say what I mean)

We can understand the bullet because we can compare our lives with it's "hyperlink" organization to our parents' modern organization. You have to let go of "cutting edge" ego continuely maintain "cutting edge." It's kind of like The Lion the witch, and the waredrobe- How the witch froze people exactly how they were- their life was frozen to the real life around them.
Life moves, and we are always behind it. We, as the particles of dust, are never part of the "now bullet" we are just affected by it. Some, caught in the bullet's draft, some caught swirling in aftermath, some only slightly affected.... In any case, each is still behind the bullet. We only have *Hope* to "be on the ball" er... bullet....
see, it's not a new idea. My grandpa says the phrase "get on the ball." And I've witnessed this in a lot of writers, movies, and ways.

Does this stir up any goodness?
Lungs are logical standing on the ground- I ask also for Gills- That I may thrive, and not suffocate in the atmosphere of dreams.
WindGillsPlease is offline  

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