No, most of the time I am not happy these days. The vast majority of the unhappiness comes from two things. I am almost always bored since the company doesn't have enough work to go around. The last time I worked was a week and a half ago. Plenty of people would think this is the greatest thing ever since the pay is still there, but having nothing to do all the time is depressing. This means little contact with other people, which itself is the other thing causing unhappiness. I don't have many friends out here in this new city and no women in the picture at all. Needless to say, this is pretty depressing.
It's quite the turn-about from school when I was always happy. I had a few wonderful jobs, great friends who I saw every day, and even though I had only one girlfriend for a few months, I don't recall any point when I was depressed.
However, I am relatively satisfied since I have a job I love (when I work), a family whom I get along with great, good friends (even if they're 1000 miles away), and no true worries in my life. I have it pretty good, I'm just not "happy".