**NEW POST, same issue!**
Hi ladies,
I went to Lebanon with ktspktsp over New Year's and, since I wanted to avoid having my period during those two weeks (we had great sex in the meantime!), I left my ring in for a 4th week. I replaced it immediately with a new ring to finish up the trip period-free.
Instead of taking it out when we got back, I wanted to try leaving it in for the rest of the cycle (7 weeks total, as per SnowyOwl's practice above). Last weekend, after week 6, however, things got weird. Maybe it's unrelated, but I got really nauseous, threw up, had major stomach/digestive issues for a couple of days. My tummy is still not quite back to normal today. (Btw, in case all this was ring-related, I took out the ring on Sunday night and my period started less than 24 hours later... it usually takes 3 days to start.
Has anyone else had an experience like this (Nikki)? I had a full range of reactions, going from thoughts of food poisoning to the flu to being pregnant... (especially since I recently had greater urges to pee). Is this normal, or should I see a doctor?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran