We have a one income family. I have three kids, the youngest being 8. $1200 would come in very very handy. Believe me the costs mount as they get older. I wish we could go back to the diaper days. Even when they were young, baby bonus was only $33/month, and then it was removed (or indexed so to speak).
We found that it is far more important for a parent to be at home when the kids are of the age where they bring home significant homework (about grade 3 onwards) as there is no in-law, or nanny, or daycare that can build the study habits that a parent can.
for this reason I wish that we could income split (without having to incorporate!) in order to relieve the tax burden that a single income family faces. I calculated that if I could income split, I would save just over $400 per month in income tax deductions.
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr