Let me put it this way: I am not unhappy.
I think I have allot more good then bad in my life even though if you add up all my thing and achievements I really don't have squat. The most valuable thing in my life is experience, even the unsavory kind. Not to say that I am giddy day in day out. I think my most common state of mind is that of excitement and curiosity - for everything. I don't chase happyness and I don't run away from the negative.
I don't believe in god
I don't believe in freewill
I don't think mankind is inherently good.
I think the universe is cold
There is no meaning
No afterlife
No purpose
Yes somehow thats cool. Infact perhaps my life would suck if I had all that.
I got life, that's good enough, everything else is gravy.
Vagina is good too, yah...