Originally Posted by Bhav
After reading Suave´s post I would like to add something my father used to tell me when I was younger. When we were doing something, not always very special, sometimes something very ordinary like going for a walk or having lunch together, he would make us create a memory: we would pay attention to the people around us, the colours, the smells, the laughs we were sharing and he made us promise to remember that precise moment. So I have quite a few happy memories of my childhood, doing nothing really.
I still do it today whenever I am feeling relaxed, even if it's just having a bath or listening to a song I like or enjoying a film with friends. I helps me realize that there are many “moments” in my life in which living is good.
It's not so much the situation, but the ability to enjoy ur current situation whatever it might be.
Take care
That's really cool. Thanks, I will try this sometime.
I was happy last week and the week before that, during winter break when I can do nothing except what I want, but now school's starting back up and I'm actually not looking forward to it, for once (I usually look forward to it). Dunno, senioritis bit me hard...