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Old 01-16-2006, 11:00 AM   #31 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by aceventura3
It is about freedom. Freedom from terrorist. Freedom from big government. The primary role of our government is national defense. We want a strong military and economic and personal freedom.
Is not educating the population defense? If not then why did our forefathers develop public education?

How can you have economic freedom for people if you keep sending jobs overseas, paying people less, while merging companies into conglomerates where the executives make more than all their workers combined?

Or you allow industries to go bankrupt because you refuse to work our an economically feasible healthcare system?

There's economic freedom for the top 1-5% but for the rest of America they are in trouble and with education cuts we are falling behind in the world market for employment.

A better question is what is the cost of taking no military action against terrorist?
Iraq again and again has been proven to have had nothing to do with 9/11 nor have WMDs. So tell me again why we are there? Or why our military has been ill equipped, while Halliburton continuously overcharged for items some of which they never delivered?

"Bushies", assuming you mean rich people, are paying more in taxes today, than at anyother time in history. There is a difference between tax rates and what people actually pay in taxes.
Really? You're right about tax rates, right now the shrinking middle class and lower class pay more of their wages in hidden taxes, in sales taxes and in local taxes, while the rich get tax cuts on the federal levels, the states and locals have to increase sales taxes, property taxes, excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes. All of which the rich can absorb and not worry about while the poor and middle class get hit harder and harder every time the sales taxes go up.

If I work hard, make good decisions, make a lot of money, its NOT MINE? Are you a socialist?

I never said the money wasn't yours but there is community responsibility to maintain the schools and infrastructure and try to make them better than they were when you had use of them.

Unless, you want to say the past 175 years of doing so was wrong and the last 20 years or so have been what this nation was truly founded on. Destroy the educational system, ravage the infrastructure and destroy true free enterprise so the very rich can continue to get richer while everyone else, including the nation itself falls deeper and deeper into debt.

I don't want war. I just want our enemies to leave us alone. But if they do want a fight, I aint gonna sit around holding hands singing 'give peace a chance'!
And who is attacking us right now? Iraq? Afghanistan? Who's invading our shores and laying landmines and shooting at us and making it unsafe to leave our houses?

Big brother is probably reading this right now, we had better be careful, because Bush and Rumsfeld love to sit around a fire reading info they get from illegal wiretaps.

I am a risk taker. I going to do a google search on making bombs, I will let you know how long it takes for the FBI to come calling. Perhaps we can start a pool.
I've said it in many posts, even IF Bush is correct in doing this, the government at the very least takes years to give rights back. On average if we give them unwarranted wiretaps and mail searches (which is very different than going on a public access and finding how to build a bomb), they will push that envelope farther.

Not to mention, if Bush is so concerned about these "terrorists" he spies on with wiretaps and mail openings then why does he allow so many illegal aliens to cross over every day? Why is that?

I have stated over and over and I don't think the people who plan terroristic events are going to be so dumb as not to realize this themselves...... If I wanted to plan something I would set up communication along the illegal alien lines and not need a phone, internet or anything, more than transportation. 1000's cross every day unchecked, illegal and all they have to do is carry the plans on them and transport to the meeting place. In fact they could feasibly bring bombs, anthrax and whatever across with them.

Yet, Bush does nothing........ wonder why that is?

I wonder why that did not happen after WWII? Any thoughts? Wait we actually had an economic boom after WWII. Oh, and some would argue that government spending during WWII helped grow the economy out of depression.

I wonder why that did not happen after the Vietnam War? Korean War? WWI? Civil War?
Actually after the Civil War we went into a depression. It was FDR, the New Deal and WW2 that helped the economy, plus manufacturing took over and there was the huge boom of all this technology, GI loans for housing, GI loans and grants for schooling that boomed.

Vietnam and Korea were products of the above described economic boom after WW2. But Vietnam did not produce much, in fact we paid for it in the late 70's and early 80's with high interest rates and inflation to pay for the deficit our government had because of that war.

WW1, was the true beginning of manufacturing and the stock market. The problem was as it is now and has been for the last 20 years, people were extended more credit than they were worth. In 1929 and 1930 it caught up to us, and it will bite us on our ass again. The difference is, right now banks continue to extend more and more credit and the money isn't there, the bubble will burst.

CEO's don't want to pay workers anything. However, they HAVE to pay their workers a fair competetive wage, or they loose those employees to the competition. CEO's are "workers" too. Unless they own the company they run, they are accountable to the "man" just like everyone else. He who owns the gold makes the rules. It is truly a mean, mean world.
Really? These esecs who drive their companies into the ground usually have less than 1% ownership in the company. In fact if the company wants them out, in quite a few cases they have huge buyout clauses. Who was it that was paid something like $100 million to step down because he ran the company into the ground?

There is no accountability or "fair" wages. The companies make demands get what they want or leave the area, if not the country. Meanwhile the CEO's make more for doing so.

Never in the history of this country have we seen this big of a gap between rich and poor continue to increase.

But for some reason that is ok with you?

What happens when the debts come due? Who's going to pay? Especially if the middle class is gone and the poor can't pay?

From your stupid but freindly neighborhood, greedy "Bushie"
Continue with the greed, unless you are in the top 1% when it comes time to pay the debt you will being paying and if not you your children.

Because the true problem we face won't hit until the Boomers start dieing off and retiring. We set this great standard of living that has mortgaged our futures and the government knows this. The money isn't there and when the Boomers retire and die and banks go to collect their debts, the banks will take whatever the children/heirs have, and then the true crash will hit.

So if you're in your 40's and 50's you may make it out semi decently until you retire. But your kids and grandkids will be paying for your greed and their kids and grandkids will be paying for it.

Is debt whether personal, national or trade what you truly want to leave your progeny? I sure as Hell don't.

Is unsurmountable debt what our forefathers left us? No, they left a nation where we could dream and continue to move forward..... unfortunately today's greed has destroyed that for the future generations.

But history has yet to be written....... it may prove me wrong, but I wouldn't count on it. I think if anything I am too optimistic that we still have a chance.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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