Avoid scabs, or picking said scabs. Avoid exposing the cut to air, dirt, or anything that could end up placing the body in a defense reaction (for example: Dirt in the wound will cause a reaction by antibodies because of the bad microbes in the dirt, along with the dirt itself. another example: chlorine in the water may irritate the cut, damaging the new and healing cells, provoking a reaction)
The reaction will slow down the healing time, and encourage more scar tissue to grow.
If your cut is wide rather than narrow (meaning more skin has been damaged) the probability of a noticable scar is much greater.
Consider a topical ointment like polysporin, something that is antiseptic and perhaps antibiotic. Cover it with clean bandage, and replace it fairly regularly. Is the bandage is loose, it'll allow dirt and other bad stuff underneath it, like your bangs.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim